Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd. Designs and manufactures Circulating Head / Casing Adapter. The Circulating Head / Casing Adapter fall in the category of Tubular, Drilling, Work-over Tools and Cementing Tools. Parveen Industries Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The Circulating Heads are available in all sizes with 12 inch tong length. The sizes less than 7 by 5/8 inches are made from solid bars and larger sizes than this are fabricated or can be supplied from solid bars. The bottom connection and top connection of the circulating head is drill pipe connection. The Adapters/Nipples are available with all casing threads like, round, buttress, XL or special premium threads. The standard adapters have 6 inch tong space. Short adapters have no tong space but use Torque sleeve to tighten or loosen from casing.