Ipa manufactures belt weighers/ belt conveyors for moving materials in mining and process industries. These instruments comprise micro-controller based single loop controller; control panel/ local/ remote indicator; load cell; tacho and a weigh frame arrangement. The electronic module of the belt weigher is a micro-controller based wall mounting signal processing unit with a 7 digit, 13 mm, 7-segment led display displaying load in kg/m, speed of the belt in mtr/m and rate in tonnes/hour or kg/m and totalised value in tonnes. The speed of the belt is measured with a tacho generator driven by the return belt. The weighers are available with remote indicator at a distance of more than 100 metres from the belt weigher panel. The local / remote indicator shows the rate on a four and half display and totalized quantity on a 8 digit display. The rate signal transmission from the main panel to remote is by 4- 20 ma and the totalised quantity by pulses.