Telecrane radio remote control systems [model f24-bb] are offered by acropolis engineering. These radio remote control systems find their applications in eot cranes and other industrial applications. Some of the outstanding features are provided with these control systems, which include: the systems are pc programmable. Each button can be programmed as per crane sequence and requirement. Frequency crystal is mounted on encoder, which is plug-in plug-out thpe. In case of problem this crystal can be changed by user without any difficulty whatsoever. Following are some of the special features of these control systems which include: systems increase productivity as the cranes are no longer operated through the pendant but rather from any other convenient. Motion in case` of pendant operated cranes the operator is required to walk alongside the pendant controller. This limitation is overcome with radio remote controls, by this property safety and work conditions are improved as the crane operator can choose the safest and most convenient spot from which to work, away from dangerous areas and unpleasant environmental conditions [heat, smoke, noise etc] and he himself can carry out slinging operations. The radio remote control systems are designed for 4-motion [namely main hoist, aux hoist, cross travel and long travel]. These control systems are provided with single step push button type transmitter which can be used to achieve sinle speed for each motion similar to pendant operation.