SSP Private Limited manufactures Soya Milk Powder Plant. SSP Private Limited is an ISO 9001-2000 certified company. Soya Milk Powder Plant falls under the category of `Dairy Processing Projects`. Soya Milk Powder Plant manufactures Soya milk and its related food products. Soy milk is high in protein and low in fat and carbohydrate and contains no cholesterol. It is good for babies, children and elderly people including pregnant and lactating women as it contains vegetable protein that is very easy to digest.
The soy food is one of the few foods considered as a perfect alternative of meat and dairy products. Besides having excellent nutritional qualities soya milk is very useful for diabetics, heart patients, children and elderly people suffering from lactose intolerance by consuming cow / buffalo milk. Recent studies have proved that some of the nutrients of the soya milk are potential cancer fighter. These all soya food products are manufactured by Soya Milk Powder Plant and are in operation for 20 hours in a day.