SSP Private Limited is the manufacturer of Liquid Milk Processing Plant. SSP Private Limited is an ISO 9001-2000 certified company. Liquid Milk Processing Plant falls under the category of `Dairy Processing Projects`. It is small milk processing equipment for handling milk in litre capacity of 1K-5Lac litres per day. A number of products like ghee, butter, cream, toned milk, double toned milk, skimmed milk, can also be manufactured through this Liquid Milk Processing Plant. Milk is standardized depending on the requirement of toned milk, double toned milk, skimmed milk or full cream milk.
The separated cream is further processed to manufacture ghee and butter. The pasteurized skimmed milk, toned milk or double toned milk is sent for packing in pouches in the packing machine for various capacities like ½ kg and 1 kg pouches. The plant will be in operation for 20 hours in a day.