Maco corporation manufactures hydraulic disc type clutches and brakes of types as and ar, manufactured by airflex division, eaton corporation, usa. Airflex hydraulic clutches are available in different types in order to suits variety of applications. These are multiple disc units ideally suited for mounting within trans- mission. These clutches have been used for synchronising index- ing, speed changing and mooring winch applications. Both the types are wet friction clutches designed for use within a trans- mission. The disc type clutch hub is custom bored and key-seated for shaft mounting. These are multi disc units available in stationary or rotating cylinders design. Torque transfer from the driving to the driven member is accomplished by an externally slotted driven cup which engages external lugs on the driving disc. Both the types are intended for use with a spray splash or through the shaft lubricating system where high speeds are encountered. Type ar is designed to provide maximum torque within a minimum space envelope, available in two sizes, providing a maximum torque of 2530 nm. Type as utilizes a bearing mounted, stationary actuating cylinder which permits a direct external connection to the 8 clutch. This design eliminates any centrifugal head on the actu- ating fluid which could prevent clutch disengagement. Type as clutches are available in six sizes having torque rating of 2550 nm.