Gem equipments manufactures heatless air dryers painted with long lasting corrosion resistance epoxy paint for high reliability and easy use. Some of the salient features of these heatless air dryers include amply sized towers according to international codes to save heat absorption and minimize purge air usage; limited velocities through tower to prevent bed fluidisation and avoid desiccant dusting; large desiccant bed ensure sufficient contact to produce -40° c dew point [-60°c dew point or better]; separate fill and drain ports for easy desiccant replacement; heater with pressure gauge on both the towers; dryers equipped with pre filter, oil filter and after filter; pre filter fitted with double-seat pneumatic auto drain valve to discharge condensate during tower changeover. The company supplies these heatless air dryers in a sturdy box frame with a complete floor stand to withstand vibration and transit damage. This air dryer unit comprises of compact and user-friendly control panel with mimic panel indication; leds to indicate various operations like drying, regeneration, etc.; and a highly accurate motorized cam timer. These heatless air dryers facilitate highly accurate purge flow with the help of well-designed orifice to avoid tampering of purge at site. Some of the technical specifications of these heatless air dryers are heatless 20 cfm to 2000 cfm capacity; and up to 12.5 bar operating pressure. The company also supplies separate series of heatless air dryers to cater up to 42 bars high-pressure requirements as well as with 400 bar operating pressure.