Skey products offers lubomatic multi-point lubrication system. This lubrication system is used to give metered discharge of lubricant, grease or oil from the outlet ports. Working of the multi-point grease lubricating system is given as follows: the discharge from the pump element is adjustable with the help of adjusting screw. Multi-point lubrication system consists of number of individual pumping element assemblies screwed into the housing. An eccentric cam in the gearbox actuates these pump element assemblies. This gearbox is driven by an electric motor. Dead weight piston with rubber seal is provided inside the reservoir, which continuously presses the grease downward during rotation of cam. The grease is pressed toward the suction of pumping element and when the cam actuates the plunger, the grease is ejected from the outlet. The discharge quantity is adjustable by setting screw. Electrical configurations of standard unit is as follows: discharge - maximum 0.25 cc per stroke/outlet [adjustable]; delivery pressure - 200 kg/cm²for grease/oil; reduction ratio of drive - 70:1; motor - 0.5 hp, 3-phase, 50 hz, 1400 rpm; and output adjustment - by adjusting screw. High discharge unit: discharge - maximum 1 cc per stroke/outlet; delivery pressure - 300 kg/cm² for grease/oil; reduction ratio of drive - 35:1; motor - 0.75 hp, 3-phase, 50 hz, 1400 rpm; and output adjustment - fixed 1cc/stroke. For delivering grease or oil under pressure to number of different bearing points of a machine, these multipoint lubricators are best suited. Also best suited for sugar machineries, crushers, rolling mills, forging hammers, pressure die-casting machines, calendaring machines, bearings of water pump and other heavy-duty engineering machines.