Steinel, germany manufactures plastic welding kit for automobile applications that are marketed by pamvi exports.. This kit makes easy repairs of plastic parts in cars and two wheelers namely plastic bumpers, dashboards, etc. The kit includes a steinel hot air gun, model hl 2002 le, appropriate nozzles for welding, plastic rods and detailed welding process manual. Maruti, telco, fiat has already approved this kit. Moreover, it is already being used by many of their dealers in terms of the circular issued by them throughout india and to all their dealers. Apart from repairing different kinds of plastic bumpers, dashboards and various other plastic parts, it is also used for a variety of other workshop applications like removing dents from bumpers, repairing of rear glass fittings, drying of paints and fillers quickly, releasing tight bearings, wheels, rusted nuts and bolts, preheating and thawing of engines, shrink fitting and tubing of sleeve cables and wires, removing stickers from motor vehicles, shaping and bending of thermoplastics, removing automobile under sealing and old paints and many other workshop and general purpose applications.