Jyoti cnc automation offers cnc chucker, model dx 100. The capacity: swing over bed - 300 mm, maximum turning length - 150 mm, and standard turning dia - 100 mm` other specifications: slides cross [x axis] travel - 360 mm: longitudinal [z axis] travel- 200mm; rapid feed [x & z axis] --20 m/min; main spindle - spindle motor power - 5.5 kw/7.5 kw [continuous rating/30 min rating]; spindle bore - 40 mm; spindle nose - a25; bar capacity. 32 mm; speed range - 50-4500 rpm; full power speed range - 750-4500 rpm; tooling [gang style] - number of tools-4 for max job dia range; max boring bar capacity - 32 mm; tool size [cross sectional] - 20 x 20 mm; accuracy [as per vdi/dgq 3441] - positioning - 0.015 mm; and repeatability - o.Oo3mm. Other data: weight [approx] - 2500 kg; dimension [approx] - 2000 x 1500 x 1600 mm; and control system. Sinumerik-802d. Standard features: linear motion guide ways: monoblock structure. Options: chip conveyor; bar feeder; tool life management; hydraulic collet chuck; bar puller; built-in motor spindle for higher spindle speed. Stant monoblock structure to absorb torsion and vibration ideally suited for small. Disc type components; reduced cycle time through linear tooling system.