Product Profile of Video Graphics Adapter Splitters
Video Graphics Adapter Splitters are ideal for public broadcasting, remote monitoring, class room and training purpose. These Splitters are designed to enhance video signal for distances of up to 65m [213]. These Splitters split 1 signal from a desktop or laptop into many signals. Video Graphics Adapter Splitters are provided with a metal housing that ensures optimum performance for longer period of time.
Key Features of Video Graphics Adapter Splitters
- Ultra high 250 MHZ [dd122/ dd124] or 200MHZ [dd128] bandwidth.
- Enhances video signal for distances up to 65m [213].
- Daisy chainable.
- All metal housing.
- Splits 1 signal from a pc/laptop into many signals.
- 1 pc/laptop can be connected to 2, 4 or 8 projectors with video graphics adapter splitter.
- Presentation on 1 PC/laptop can be simultaneously viewed in 2. 4 or 8 screens.
- Public broadcasting.
- Remote monitoring.
- Class room and training facilities.