Itl industries manufactures band saw cutting machines. These machines are available with salient features like cutting head rotates on a precise rotary platform that allows 90-45° on right hand side and 90-30° [total 60°] on left hand side with 0.5 mm least count. This feature allow least angular end cut wastage with minimum setting time; rotary platform has 15° interval and hydraulic dowel locks for quick setting in manual mode; other angular position can be fixed referring to the graduated scale fitted on the rotary platform; kant angle can be maintained as 0, 2, 4 and 6°, depending upon cutting material profile shapes to optimise productivity; improves substantially as tooth contact is minimized in case of flat surfaces; right angle joints can be prepared very comfortably with virtually no loss of material; machine is provided with fix blade guide at fix jaw side whereas moving blade guide is provided which can be set to desired position depending upon the cut length.