L`amar, an ayurvedic research and manufacturing company offers face treatment cream. This cream acts as revitalizer, moisturizer, anti-wrinkle, dark circles and puffiness around the eyes. The cream is recommended to apply in the required area and massage it gently in a upward to outward strokes for smoothening wrinkles in the face and upward strokes in neck to cover neck and underchin for three minutes duration. This face treatment cream also finds usage as daytime moisturiser under make-up. The company supplies the face treatment cream in 40 gm pack size. The face treatment cream is a vital factor for effective skin care treatment optimizing specific herbal extracts properties offering beneficial action on the skin. The l`amar face treatment cream is a multi-performance skin care product for protecting and complementing skin to keep it soft, smooth and younger looking. The face treatment cream is available in several types including seaweed extract, alpine herb extract, azadirachta indica, pongamia pinnata. Some of the special features of the face treatment cream include