Phoenix contact offers ct 10-9 va ac. This model is a pluggable, nine-channel protective module for signalling interface in test and measuring systems. For higher signal voltages like 60 v ac, 120 v ac and 230 v ac, these arresters have been specially designed. Some of the technical features of these surge arresters include: controllers with a large number of signalling i/os as found in telecontrol engineering or traffic-light systems, for instance, are among the range of possible applications. The nine jprotective paths are connected to a common reference potential and realise the transverse voltage protection. Each of the nine protection paths 1 to 9 in the protective circuit contains a temperature-monitored varistor with integrated defect indicator. The end face of the surge arrester which enables the user to check whether the over-voltage protection is still effective or whether a protective path has been deactivated as a result of a voltage overload by simply looking inside the switchgear cabinet. A gas arresters is connected between the reference potential and ground to provide longitudinal voltage protection.