Phoenix contact offers remote bus nodes for system wiring. The vf ibs varioface i/o modules are designed as interbus remote bus nodes for decentralized applications with a low i/o frequency. Due to performance or functional requirements, an additional level is often required for the connection of sensors/actuators to the interbus components. With the interbus interface connection the coupling levels, such as relays or optocouplers, are connected to the interbus via system wiring. All i/o signals are available via ribbon cable connectors so that the connection of the coupling level is pluggable via varioface system wiring. All components of the system wiring are connected to the remote bus module quickly and protected against polarity reversal via pre assembled system cables, whether as a passive wiring interface or an active relay interface. All supply voltages are electrically isolated from each other, whereby modules with 2 x 8 digital inputs and 2 x 8 digital outputs, and with 4 x 8 digital outputs are available. The bus diagnosis display provides information on the device state at all times.