Product Profile of Dhv 3000 Range Of Microhardness Testers
Chroma system pvt. Ltd. Is the manufacturer and exporter of developing quality control equipments. They present dhv 3000 range of microhardness testers. The features of the automated micro hardness tester with data analysis [dhv 3000] are given below.
- Objectives of 10x or 20x & 45x /r optically coated for measurements
- 10x eyepiece micrometer for manual visual measurements.
- Separate visual and camera ports
- Centered optical system for positional accuracy in phase indentations.
- Halogen lamp special illumination provides for optimal contrast.
- Illumination. Adjustable and variable intensity of illumination with filter pockets.
- Automatic indentation with pre-selectable dwell period [10 to 55s]
- High resolution ccd camera interfaced to a pentium processor
- Real time display of specimen surface on the computer colour vga monitor.
- Selectable magnification options with different plate scales
- Least count of automatic measurement 0.15ยต or better as area is computed.
- Manual over-ride stage movement control possible with the computer keyboard.
- Leveling vice for tilted specimens. Special component holders available on request.
- Stable base plate with leveling screws