Lightly resin bonded rockwool can function under a temperature range of 750 degree c.
The rockwool is available in different density ranges varying from 100kg/m³ to 150kgs³. The rockwool is offered in a dimension of 1.22 mtrs x 1.52 mtrs and thickness range varying from 25 mm to 100 mm. Lightly resin bonded rockwool is available in wire netting type facing and finds application in e.S.P, boilers, vessels, tankers, heat exchangers and steam pipe lines.
Mag hard insulators manufactures lightly resin bonded rockwool. Mag hard insulators offers wide range of rockwool, glass wool, glass tissues, nitrile rubber, ceramic wool, polyurethane foam, thermocole, calcium silicate, plaster of paris and adhesives.
Applications of lightly resin bonded rockwool: