Microfinance / Microcredit Controlling Software is a total Microfinance program management system that assists microfinance institutions in areas like microcredit management, microinsurance, member management etc and provides highly informative MIS reports. Wiltech Software Solutions Pvt Ltd designs Microfinance / Microcredit Controlling Software.
Wiltech Software Solutions Pvt Ltd also develops wide range of software for different functions. Microfinance / Microcredit Controlling Software is perfect for use in micro-credit, micro-savings, micro-insurance and micro-investment programs. It effectively manages the generation of the demand sheet for the entire Self Help Groups. SHG [Self Help Group] management is one of the biggest challenges in microfinance management. MiFinap makes the tasks easy by allowing the user by automatically handling the meeting days, preparation of repayment schedules for the entire SHG, tracking the office bearers information.