The Double Column Moving Cross Rail CNC Vertical Lathe Machine is designed as moving cross rail double column vertical with two ram slides moving across the cross rails and the rams moving vertically are controlled by servo motors through ball screws by CNC Controller. Prasad NC Machine Systems [P] Ltd. Manufactures Double Column Moving Cross Rail CNC Vertical Lathe Machine. Prasad NC Machine Systems [P] Ltd. Is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company that supplies CNC machines like CNC VTL machine, VTL machine, etc. The table in the machine is located at the centre by two heavy duty spherical roller thrust Bearings and at the periphery by a hydrostatic flat guide which is lined with "Biplast" material for smooth operation on load. The loading capacity of the table is designed for job weight up to 40 tons. A two speed gear box with automatic shifting of gears provides adequate torque / power at different speed of table. An encoder fitted with "one to one" ratio with table allows thread cutting and constant cutting speed facility with one of the ram slides.