Technocon Engineers manufactures Steel Angle Cut Cylinders/Bevelled Diagonals and Pins. Technocon Engineers offers stainless, carbon, chrome and bearing steel spherical balls, eclipse, ballcones, cylinders and grinding media. The Steel Angle Cut Cylinders/Bevelled Diagonals and Pins are Burnishing, Polishing, and Vibratory Finishing Media. The Steel Angle Cut Cylinders/Bevelled Diagonals and Pins are mixed with steel ball, eclipse, ballcone and satellite in the steel polishing media for various mass finishing applications to achieve uniform cleaning, metal finishing and mirror finish all over the component profile. Spherical steel balls are the most popular and versatile shaped media used in tumblers, barrels, harperizers, centrifugal and vibratory finishing machines. However, a round steel ball cannot access grooves, corners, collars and intricate profiles. To achieve this beveled diagonal [cylinder] or pin has to be used. Pins are also appropriate for deflashing holes and finishing intricate jewellery parts
Advantages of Steel Angle Cut Cylinders/Bevelled Diagonals and Pins are: