Switzer offers 2-wire electronic temperature transmitters suitable for rtd, thermocouple and millivolt inputs. They are versatile and use state-of-the-art technology in their design and manufacture. The transmitters are available in die cast aluminium flame-proof housing to make use in hazardous areas or in engineering polymer weather-proof enclosure for general purpose or in din rail mountable plastic enclosure for indoor use. The salient features of these temperature transmitters are: 4-20 ma output or choice of five voltage outputs in 4-wire configuration, accuracy for rt- d:[+] 0.1% or[-]0.1%, and for thermocouple and millivolt inputs: [+]0.1% or [-]0.1%; high stability: temperature co-efficient of the order of 0.012% of span per â°c; and range for rtd transmitter: [-] 200â°c to[+]700â°c, and for thermocouple transmitter: 0 to 1700â°c. The range span is adjustable by the customer. Factory calibrated non-standard ranges are optional.The rtd transmitters incorporate conformity control in the excitation loop which minimises the influence of the negative temperature co-efficient of platinum elements. This also ensures high accuracy over the entire measuring range. A unique automatic compensation -for lead resistance acconunodates resistance of 50 ohms per lead for 3-wire rtds and up to 100 ohms per lead for 4-wire rtds. The thermocouple transmitters have automatic cold junction compensation as standard and provide linear analogue outputs. Various types of thermocouples are available. Special calibration can be provided on customer request. High stability and high input impedance are ensured through low drift signal conditioning op amps and special voltage to current, converter, and circuitry.