The delair heatless type compressed air dryer of dc series is a self reactivating heatless dryer which removes moisture from the compressed air by the adsorption method. The dryer is based on the principle of heatless regeneration and the physical properties of the desiccant to adsorb and desorb water vapour. It uses pressure swing principles/purge air to regenerate the desiccant bed. Delair heatless dryer is available in a wide range of standard models in capacities from 6 nm3 to 1128 nm3/hr. Higher capacities are available at [-]40°c and below. Electronic controls solid state times for automatic and reliable operation. It consumes low power and is equipped with muffler on purge air outlet to reduce noise level. The delair heatless dryer has two pressure vessels/towers filled with desiccant while the air is dried in one tower/vessel; the desiccant in the other is reactivated, thus maintaining a continuous and automatic operation. Delair india also supplies a wide range of compressed air dryers, viz, refrigeration type compressed air dryers, pressurisers/dehydrators for waveguide of microwaves and radars, brake air dryers and cable dryers. Delair products are marketed by arctic india sales through its wide network of sales and service offices located all over the country.