Shanti abrasive are in the market for the last two decades and providing the marble and granite industries with the best abrasives available in the world. Shanti abrasive has done a lot of pioneer work in the field of abrasives for the marble and granite industry.
Shanti abrasives were the first to introduce 5-ex chemical bond abrasive in india in 1990 to eliminate the final polish on marble with tin oxide and buff.
The ageing, glazing, semi polishing and final polishing products. Shanti abrasives brushes are a must for ageing and glazing of granite, marble and agglomerate since they allow getting different finishing grades.
The filaments of all brush products are produced with du pont, u.S.A., material. Shanti abrasive brushes are available in shapes like frankfurt, ficket and round.
These brushes are available in the following grits 36,46, 60, 80, 120, 180, 240, 320, 500, and 1000.