Samsung India Ltd. Offers 5-in-One Multifunction Printer. Samsung India Ltd. Is an ISO certified company. The model number of 5-in-one Multifunction Printer is SCX-4824FN and it falls in the consumer products section. The 5-in-one Multifunction Printer is used in both offices and business areas. The salient features of 5-in-one Multifunction Printer are efficient duplex + ADF [50-sheet automatic document feeder [30-sheet ADF on SCX-4824FN]; customizable paper formats [compatible paper sizes include A6, A4, A5, letter, legal, folio, oficio, executive, ISO B5, JIS B5, 3x5, monarch, No. 10, DL, C5 and C6].]; 445 x 411 x 395mm in size; fast first page out of the printer; maximum monthly duty cycle; unique corner-less organic design; blue compass navigation; and tranquil printing.