Nitoo sales markets in india products manufactured by german company fibro gambh`s standard parts division. The company has introduced flex cams. The flex cam, or the hydraulic cam system, is the ideal component for executing linear motions at any point in the available space. The system is increasingly being used in tool making, in particular, to achieve upward flanging, punching, bending, etc., where conventional slides cannot be used. It is an autonomous system by itself. The power unit is coupled to the flex cam by means of hydraulic line. The downward motion of the master cylinder forces the flex cam in forward direction, while in upward stroke of the press the retraction of the cam is achieved. Up to three cam units can be run synchronously by a single power unit. Various models are available as per the force required between 15 kn to 150 kn. Advantages of flex cam: tooling expenses reduction; saving of tools; no tool driver in the direct workspace necessary; additional work operations in tools already existing simply addable; operations can be accomplished in each angle and each lateral forces and tool security by overload protection; reduces the press/tool. The use of hydraulic cam system is one way to reduce tool cost, improve productivity and improve part quality.