Pmc manufacturesd rotary barrel shotblasting machine. This rotary shotblasting machine is used for cleaning is designed to clean a batch of 100 kg/1.5 cft of small or medium castings or forgings in 10 to 15 minutes and it providesgives an output of 2 tonnes per shift. After the set time, the machine shuts off automatically, after the set time. The shotblasting machine is fitted with a cyclone dust collector and a bag filter whichto provides give dust-free operation. The rotary barrel shotblasting machine it is a versatile machine. Small rollers of 6 mm dia and above or complete crank-case of 8 hp diesel engine are two examples of this. Finned cylinder heads of sccoters/ motorcycles are shotblasted on a special device which is placed in the barrel. Which it prevents them from clashing together. Aluminium brake shoes/disc pads are shotblasted to which gives the strongest bond to the friction liners. Gunmetal or cl valves are shotblasted to providegive special finishes to these items. Almen gauge strip holder can be fitted inside the door tto monitor shotpeening of compression springs, rockers, steering knuckles and universal joint crosses, almen gauge strip holder can be fitted inside the door.