Pantech Instruments manufactures Fixed or Variable Rtd 2-Wire Transmitter Model 871. Pantech Instruments is the manufacturer and exporters of Process Control Instruments. Fixed or Variable Rtd 2-Wire Transmitter is designed over low drift, low power components. Hence confirms the standard specifications of being an X`mitter. It is designed to provide 4-20mA DC signal on the same two wires, which carry the 24 V DC. Fixed or Variable Rtd 2-Wire Transmitter 4-20 mA DC signal is corresponding to the temperature measured by the RTD elements at the input of this 2-wire transmitter. The transmitter is an ideal choice for temperature measurement with RTD`s. Fixed or Variable Rtd 2-Wire Transmitter provides a current output signal of 4 - 20mA DC in a two wire loop, capable of driving a load of up to 650 degree . This eliminates needs to run compensating cable or three core cable between the field and control room. Fixed or Variable Rtd 2-Wire Transmitter can be calibrated throughout the range of RTD. The output is linear with respect to temperature for RTD input.
Key features of Fixed or Variable Rtd 2-Wire Transmitter: