Oritron electronics corporation designs and supplies tnc series coaxial connectors. H-4109 is one of the model of these coaxial connectors which are right angled for rg 58/u cable. The product range include: coaxial connectors, including bnc, tnc, n, din 7/16", uhf, mini uhf, reerse polarity [bnc, tnc, n, sma], sma, hn, shv, mhv, vhv, oec and inter series adapters. These coaxial connetors are manufactured in internationally accepted sizes, mate with any similar connectors of foreign make. These coaxial connectors are available for all popular sizes of coaxial cables. Following are the some special features which are provided with the coaxial connectors: they are compact and lightweight meant for quick connection and disconnection. Inherent in their range are low vswr, noise and contact resistance.