Numerators india offers an agmark numbering machine [two-in-one]. As required under agmark rules and regulations, the machine prints sequential number and series number simultaneously in one stroke on labels/wrappers/cartons/polypouches/polybags, etc. The machine has two units: a numbering unit and a housing for series number. Numbering unit is provided with 6 wheels in figure size 4.5 mm which can print consecutive numbers automatically ftom 000001 to 999999. A type box is provided with the machine for composing series number in the housing as and when required. It is a hand operated numbering system with self inking mechanism. It works very fast and always gives clear impressions. The machine is sturdy in construction with metal body. For this coder, the company has especially formulated an indelible fast drying ink which can print on porous/non-porous surfaces including laminated labels/wrappers/cartons/polypacks and polybags. The impressions taken by this ink cannot be easily removed or erased. The manufacturers and packers registered under agmark scheme will find this machine very useful for marking statutory information on their packs. It will reduce labour costs and also improve efficiency. For this work, they do not have to be dependent on any outside agency.