Nu-tech engineers offers regular metal cutting horizontal bandsaw machine. Features: endless circular 0.9 mm blade, so that it has less material wastage; bandsaw blade is cheaper blade has circulating movement and moves in one direction only; in one cycle time, the blade has continuous cutting and no idle stroke; so less cutting time as to blade is always in contact with the material and moves in one direction only; less power consumption due to continuous cutting; arm has swing type action for smoother and faster cutting of larger section; efficient self-centering vice for job clamping; optional swivel vice for angular cuffing; easy precise and adjustable gravity feeding control; makes optimum use of bandsaw blade; since it can be re-welded over and over again; has heavy duty worm reduction drive; good parallelism in cuffing due to adjustable blade guide; and each and every part of the machine is easily repairable and replaceable. Basic specifications: cutting capacity - round - 175 mm; square - 150 × 150 mm; drive - drive motor - 0.5 hp, 1440 rpm; coolant pump - 0.15 hp, 440 v; blade speed - 25 mtr/min - 30. Machine specifications: saw blade-carbon or bi-metal - 2540 ×20 ×0.9 mm; guide pulley diameter - 340 mm; floor space l x w x h - 1500 x 570 x 870 mm; net weight - 272 kg; and packed weight - 381 kg approx.