The chemical technology division of nsr group offersmanufactures special purpose two-part epoxy paints and zinc rich and regular primers. These epoxy paint system find its aaplication in are ideally suited for water proofing, crack sealing, industrial flooring and a variety of other applications including masonry and machinery products. These paints and primers come in to parts. These paints and primers and can be applied used in oil refineries, painting coating shops, engineering plants and areas with high humidity such as diaries, food and sugar industries, etc. Various advantageous features of this epoxy system aredistinct advantages: highly flexible to highly rigid; cured paint is moisture tolerantcan be applied to areas requiring moisture sealing; compatible with cementitious substrates; cured paint is scratch resistant, non-toxic, non hazardous and non odour, anti-rust and anti-corrosive; reduces equipment down time and frequent repair expenses; optimizes paint consumption; a choice of colours and shades; and better economy. The company offers ssamples/trial orders are offered by nsr elkemet private limited.