Multifab has introduced reaction vessels for efficient gas liquid contact provided with gas induction impellers. Normally, in a gas liquid reaction the gas is sparged through the liquid in a reactor. The unreacted gas accumulates giving a rise in pressure. Thus towards the end of reaction the gas addition has to be closed down. This increase the reaction time. The gas inducing impellers redistribute the unreacted gas again throughout the liquid. This gives many advantages namely: shorter batch cycles leading to higher production capacity from the same reactor; large gas-liquid contact area exceeding 200 m2 per thousand liters of reactor volume; enhanced heat transfer, heat transfer coefficient of 300 kcal/hr/m2/oc or more have been achieved; and better utilisation of catalyst. The company has already built reactors from 100 itr to 12,000 itr working volume and design pressure up to 50 kg/cm2. These are working successfully for various applications like hydrogenation, amination, etc.