Micro Controls manufactures Local/ STD/ ISD Telephone Call Loggers. Micro Controls also manufactures micro-controller based Push Button Telephone Dialers for T-43 Trunk Boards, Trunk Timing Indicators for monitoring Trunk Calls, micro-controller based Push Button Telephone Dialers for T-43 Trunk Boards, Trunk Timing Indicators for monitoring Trunk Calls, Pulse / Tone Dial Testers and Coin Box Telephones, Pulse / Tone Dial Testers and Coin Box Telephones. The Local/ STD/ ISD Telephone Call Loggers give a printout of various call details at the termination of a call. The Metering in Local/ STD/ ISD Telephone Call Loggers is done on basis of 16 KHz/ 12KHz metering pulses sent by the telephone exchange. The polarity reversal occuring on the line can also be used as call success indication and calculations can be done on basis of long-distance codes fed into the memory. The Local/ STD/ ISD Telephone Call Loggers come with either 16 column numeric printer or with 24 column alphanumeric printer.