Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings are semi-rigid, translucent polymer with good toughness and weather resistance properties. PP has a density of 0.90 to 0.91 g/cm3, which is amongst the lowest densities for all plastics. Mandhana Polymers Pvt Ltd manufactures Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings.
Mandhana Polymers Pvt Ltd also manufactures wide range of pipes & fittings, sheets, blocks, valves, injection moulded plastic products. Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings are available with chemical resistance and good fatigue strength. Due to its excellent thermal stability, PP can be used successfully even at 100 0 C. It is generally available in three forms for use in pipelines PP- Homopolymer [PP-H], PP-copolymer [PP-C] and PP Random Copolymer [PP-R]. Other options in PP include fire retardant grades & electro-conductive grades. PP can also be UV stabilized by use of a stabilizer and can be produced in black colour.