Luminious sales offers lightweight thyristor module under its trade name lsi. The basic concept of this power semiconductor module is to eliminate failure of power device because of mismatching and repeated expansion at solid interface between silicon and metal, when it draws more than 40 amp current. In this case, the metal base plate is replaced by dcb [direct copper bonded] plate thatmatches the thermal expansion co-efficient with thyristor chips. This method also gives lower thermal junction to case resistance. Type lstt comes in the current range of 48 a, 60 a, 80 a, 95 a and 110 a, with blocking peak inverse voltage up to 1,600 v. Type lstt 150 pb has a capacity of 95 amp average current with 1,200 volts piv. It endures surge current of 2,000 amp at 25°c with junction to case thermal resistance 0.14°c per watt. The slop resistance is as low as 2 milli-ohms. In this module, selection dv/dt up to 1 000 v is possible. This module has heat transfer through aluminium oxide ceramic isolated base plate. It has numerous applications such as ups, dc motor control, ac motor soft starters, temperature controls [for oven, furnaces, chemical processes], and professional light dimming [for studios, theatres, etc.]