Luminious sales international offers insulated gate bipolar transistor [igbt] in isolated module form. The igbt is designed by using a combination of bipolar and mos technologies. This type of switching device has low saturation voltage characteristics, high voltage and current switching capabilities of bipolar transistoras well as high speed switching characteristics and voltage driven function of the power mosfets. The lsii 50 pb igbt module enables much higher switching speeds and much lower collector to emitter saturation voltages than ordinary bipolar darlington transistors. The lsii 50 pb module has collector current capacity of 50 amps with collector-emitter voltage up to 1,200 v. Each igbt chip in the module is included with ultra fast recovery epitaxial diode [fred] with very low reverse recovery charge. These same diodes also come as separate elements for use in igbt circuits or any other applications requiring high diode switching speed. The lsii 50 pb igbt module uses direct copper bonded [dcb] substrates that include an aluminium oxide insulator to which copper is directly bonded, which provides improved thermal properties. These igbt modules are ideally suited for applications in power electronics, especially in pulse width modulated servo and three-phase drives requiring high dynamic power range control and low noise. They are also usable for ups, smps and other power circuits requiring high switching repetition rates. The igbts enhance dynamic performance and efficiency. They also reduce the volume of audible noise levels.