Kana electromech manufactures electronic speed switch. Electronic speed switch is designed to evaluate the speed of a rotating object based on the speed information picked up by the non-contact type inductive proximity switch. Relay switches on or off depending upon the process speed as compared to the set trip speed. Startup bypass delay facility [ibpd] is provided to bypass the under speed condition during motor startup. This allows safe time for the motor to take-up the healthy speed.
Salient features:
Standard :
Non-contact sensing.
Extreme low speed & high speed detection.
Linear dial markings for speed setting.
Site selectable no / nc output relay logic.
Input sensor selection facility : npn / pnp or 2wire dc type proximity switches can be used.
On site speed range selection facility. [selectable in 3 ranges]
Adjustable built in bypass & trip delay.
Dust & watertight ip-67 grade sensors.
Optional :
Special sensor for high ambient temperature applications [upto 150oc]
Digital indication facility [4-digit] upto 9999 rpm
Speed switch housed in proximity switch enclosure, 2wire, ac operated model available.
Ma & vdc outputs proportional to speed.
Intrinsically safe models available.