Isgec manufactures the isgec-rhino series gap from presses for high precision operations at reduced costs. The salient features are
I] increased die life due to correct alignment resulting from reduced deflection of the highly rigid frame. This is achieved by use of computer aided design [cad] using finite element method to accurately study stress concentration;
Ii] accurate stamped part - when the slide and bolster surfaces on which the die set is mounted have accurate parallelism and perpendicular movement, the stamped parts produced are accurate in shape and size;
Iii] maximum uptime - crank shaft is made of ultrasonically tested forged steel and its shape is designed to eliminate stress concentrations and thereby imparting a long life;
Iv] safety - pneumatic clutch and brake unit of heavy duty and low inertia ensures quick stoppage of slide; the pneumatic action is controlled by double safety dual solenoid valve;
V] stroke length adjustment - a wide range of dies can be adapted by adjusting stroke length; and
Vi] hydraulic overload protection protects the press and dies from damage due to overload. These presses are equipped with a host of standard and optional accessories.