Vacuum Shelf Drier is an ideal drying equipment for quick and efficient drying of products at restricted temperature without deterioration of product potency and loss of colour and odour with facility of solvent recovery.GR International manufactures Vacuum Shelf Drier.
GR International also manufactures wide range of processing and packaging machinery for the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and beverages and confectionery industries, pharmaceutical formulations, chemical intermediaries, synthetic adhesives and false ceiling system. Vacuum Shelf Drier has a horizontal, cylindrical shell, with reinforced flat heads with knuckle formation, rear end directly welded to shell, front head forming the door. The front door is swinging davit type, sliding sideways along side the drier shell requiring minimum space for opening vacuum dryer. The dryer shell is jacketed and hot water circulation is maintained through the same. This enables heat transfer by radiation to the trays, prevents heat loss, achieves quicker drying and acts as a surge space for the hot water circulation.