Met-weld provides welding equipment with advanced technology base. The equipment submerged arc welding [saw] and co2 mig/mag are mostly used in heavy pipelines, tanks, vessels and cylinders manufacturing industries. Saw arc welding provides more operator comfort than any other arc welding process. The granular flux almost completely covers the arcs, which minimise blush, glare, heat, smoke and fumes. The ripple free, no spatter submerges arc welds need machining or grinding. Slag peels off with little or no chipping. The labour costs minimises and production speeds by easy cleaning. Submerged arc deposits are low in hydrogen, feature excellent crack resistance and generally superior weld quality and consistency. Co2 mig [mag] also provides faster production in heavy and light automobile industries. The weld ripple-free, no spatter, easy cleaning and no need to grind minimises labour cost and speedy production. The process can use for ms, ss, and aluminums welding and also by flux core wires.