Thermoplastic Auto Darkening Welding Helmet with Optical Sensor is available in a dimension of 110 mm X 90 mm X 10mm. The Welding Helmet comes under the series name Beta and of model number WH-AD- Beta- Red. The Welding Helmet is available with 98mm X 46 mm viewing area and ensures reaction time of 1/ 20,000 sec. Thermoplastic Auto Darkening Welding Helmet with Optical Sensor requires 3V coin battery plus solar cell power for operation.
Mehta Sanghvi & Co manufactures Thermoplastic Auto Darkening Welding Helmet with Optical Sensor. Mehta Sanghvi & Co. Offers various types of welding equipments and accessories that include MIG torches, electrode holders, cable connectors, earth clamps or ground clamps, rotary ground clamps, chipping hammers as well as cutting systems, safety equipments, heating systems, gas regulators and manifolds.
Technical specifications of Thermoplastic Auto Darkening Welding Helmet with Optical Sensor are: