Genitron controls has introduced a universal lap genicount-l is a lap/batch counter that includes a 3-digit presettable lap length/batch size counter and a 3-digit totalizing counter for the number of laps/batches. The desired lap-length/batch-size is peresettable by means of a set of thumbwheel switches provided on the front panel. A master reset is also provided which when pressed presets the lap length counter to the number as decided by thumbwheel switch settings and resets the totalizing counter to zero. A relay is immediately energized whose contacts can be used to switch on a desired machine/equipment. As soon as a preset lap-length/batch-size is delivered, the contents of lap-length/batch-size counter reach zero and the relay is de-energized whose contacts would turn off the machine as well as actuate a drum changing or allied mechanism. When a prefixed time is elapsed after the turning off of the machine the preset counter is automatically preset to the number decided by thumbwheel switch setting and the machine starts running again for the next lap/batch. At the same time, the totalizing counter is incremented by one thus updating the number of laps/batches delivered. Tboth the lap-length/ batch-size as well as totalizing counter are provided with battery backed memory so as to retain the counter contents in case of sudden power failure during the counting process. The universal lap w ith a suitable arrangement of a slotted metal disc and a proximity sensor, the counter is ideal for use in finds applications in textile and other industries.