Efd induction supplies weldac high-output, solid-state tube and pipe welders. These are based on rugged, reliable igbt transistor inverters. It is a compact system having diode rectifier, igbt inverter modules, output section, busbar and operator control system. There are two basic designs of weldac - one-cabinet for low-power welders and two-cabinet for high-power welders. Weldac is used widely used for welding stainless steel, aluminium, low-carbon and high-strength steel. Due to the modular design with independent full-bridge igbt inverters weldac saves valuable floor space and makes in-line integration and retrofitting easier. Weldac can be adjusted with induction coils or contact welding heads. The function of weldac is based on efd induction`s patented igbt driver technology. This innovation lets reliable igbt transistors operate at frequencies up to 350 khz. As a result the small and large diameter welding can be done by the short-circuit proof igbt transistors. The wedlac is more reliable than any other solid-state welders due to the presence of robust igbt transistors. The igbt transistors have made the installation of weldac easier. It is very user friendly with its minimum manual seting. The operation is done through an easy-to-use control panel. The control systems incorporated with a bus interface, can be fully adapted.