Dijitex provides microcontroller based temperature. This microcontrollerscanner with programmable high and low temperature alarm for individual channels. It has 6 channels for pt-100 type sensor and 8 channels for thermocouple type sensors. Following are some technical features which include software linearised over entire range, programmable high low alarm for all channels, non-volatile memory, auto-manual mode for channel scanning, programmable channel on-off, programmable channel scan rate, and cold junction compensation for thermocouple. It is available in sheetmetal powder coated box of din size 92 x 92 mm panel cutout, and 135 mm depth. Some electrical features include: comprises of 5-digit bright led display to visualise the actual and set data, ten. Leds to indicate mode and alarm status for individual channels, 4switch key-pad to set and visualise different parameters, and a built-in buzzer or relay contact for alarm indication.