Brahma Waterproofing Co. Supplies Normal Setting Waterproofing Compound. Brahma Waterproofing Co. Is the manufacturer of super plasticizers, grouting compounds, acrylic polymer cementitious coating, non-solvent resinous paints, epoxy paints & grouting compound. Normal Setting Waterproofing Compound is manufactured as per IS 2645-1975. Normal Setting Waterproofing Compound is a useful admixture in cement concrete or rendering. It is available in paste form for dissolving in clean water and used as an ingredient with cement concrete and rendering, ensures an effective distribution of the waterproofing material throughout the work. This normal setting waterproofing compound ensures absolute water tightness, prevents dampness, corrosive action of salt, water and other harmful chemicals, sweating. It does not affect the concrete grade, concrete hardness and is effectively used as an antidote to damp and saltpeter action in buildings. This can safely be used in raft-foundation, retaining walls, terraces, water towers, tunnels, heating chambers, flat roofs, drying-yards, reservoirs, swimming pools, screening chambers, dams etc.