Brahma Waterproofing Co. Manufactures Free Flowing Non-shrink Liquid Waterproof Grouting Compound. Brahma Waterproofing Co. Is the supplier of normal setting waterproof compound, super plasticisers, grouting compounds, acrylic polymer cementitious coating, non-solvent resinous paints and epoxy paints. Free Flowing Non-shrink Liquid Waterproof Grouting Compound mix with neat cement milk which helps the mix for adequate reduction in water content without causing any effect to the fluidity thereby improving the strength and impermeability of the grout. Free Flowing Non-shrink Liquid Waterproof Grouting Compound has also the quality of controlled expansion so as to compensate the drying shrinkage of cement during the setting period of the grout. It also helps complete filling of voids and the smallest pores and cracks can be impregnated. This is an effective waterproof admixture used for injection grouting. It stops leakages in underground structures, basements, retaining walls, tunnels, water reservoirs, lift pits, dams, swimming pools and various other water retaining structures. This can safely be utilized for grouting pre-stressed concrete. It is available in the brand name of LISCO-GROUTEX.