The Garnets form in a variety of geologic settings, depending on the garnet species. It occurs in schists and gneisses, resulting from regional metamorphism of argillaceous sediments. It is a characteristic mineral constituent of the amphibolite metamorphic phases, also appearing in the granulate faces. Almandine also occurs in pegmatite dikes and in some granitic and volcanic rocks, as well as in sedimentary deposits as detrital grains. Bharat Abrasives & Chemical Industries manufactures Garnets.
Bharat Abrasives & Chemical Industries offers Minerals, Refractory Materials and Industrial Abrasive. The company also deals in products that confirm the norms of ISI/BIS, FEPA and ASTM quality certification. Garnets are characteristic of ultra-mafic rocks such as peridotites, kimberlitic, eclogites and serpentines, and in sedimentary deposits derived from their weathering. This occurs in granitic pegmaties and in skarns, also found in sedimentary deposits.