Product Profile of Doctor/Nurse Calling System
The Doctor/Nurse Calling System is used in any Hospital it is essential to facilitate Patients to call the Duty Doctor/Staff Nurse/House-Keepers for attention /assistance during emergencies. Doctor/Nurse Calling System is ‘Fool-Proof’ & attention to Patients is 100% assured, beyond ambiguity. ‘Doctor/Nurse Calling’ Unit [DCU] is usually mounted in a ‘Centralized-Area’, say the ‘Duty-Room’ of Doctors/Nurses, in each floor of a Hospital. Bharani Electronics is manufacturing Doctor/Nurse Calling System.
Bharani Electronics supplies micro controller version, custom-made microcontroller bases instruments, tap position indicators, liquid level controllers, amp panels, electronic hooters, electronic buzzers, timers, electro mechanic annunciators and alarm annunciators.
Key Features of Doctor/Nurse Calling System
- `Doctor/Nurse Calling` Unit [DCU] consists of: "Windows" to indicate Patient`s Room / Bed No. One Window for each Room/Bed is provided.
- Push Buttons for ‘ACCEPT’, ‘Lamp TEST’ & MUTE
- Built-in Audible Alarm.
- Each Room/Bed is provided with one ‘Call-Switch’ for use by the Patient
- DCU announces the `Call from Patient` by means of ‘Visual’ & `Audible` Alarms, to alert the Duty Doctors/Nurses and to initiate remedial action.
- For `Visual` Alarm, ‘Rear-Illuminated Windows’ are provided. Patient’s Room/Bed No. is inscribed on Front-side of Window.
- For `Audible` Alarm, in-built `Buzzer` is provided.
Product Specification of Doctor/Nurse Calling System
- Operating Temperature:0 to 70, Upto 95% RH
- Operating Voltage:85 to 275 V AC or DC
- Storage Temperature:-10 to 90, Upto 95% RH
- Burden:2.5 Watts @ 230 VAC [Max] per DCU Window