AVL of Austria has launched Fourier-Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy tool. Low emission engines which must fulfil tight NOx and particulate emission limits are equipped with highly complex exhaust after- treatment systems. The Fourier-Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy [FTIR] has turned into a mandatory tool for the development and calibration of such engines and vehicles. The AVL SESAM FTIR is the clear market leader for multi component exhaust gas measurement systems and defines The standard for advanced emission measurement worldwide. The new version [4] features small 19" closed cabinet, new industrial-type FTIR spectrometer, detects up to 25 limited and non-limited gas components, excellent dynamic behaviour with I second rise time [tl0-t90], best signal/noise ratio, expanded software package, factory calibration stable For yeaPs, no re-calibration and no calibration gases required and very low maintenance. The AVL FTIR-SESAM multi component emissions analysis system is a highly sophisticated and innovative exhaust gas measurement device. The system offers solutions for a wide range of applications for R&D. It provides the necessary flexibility and modularity to meet the different requirements in modern emissions measurement. The AVL multi component exhaust gas measurement system SESAM [System for Emission Sampling And Measurement] has been used successfully for many years, proving that the FTIR [Fourier-Transform-InfraRed Spectroscopy] is a reliable and very useful instrument for R&D in the field of exhaust gas measurement systems. Especially the development forwards low emission diesel engines with advanced exhaust gas after-treatment systems [like DPF, SCR and CRT] makes it mandatory to collect such additional information from a multi component measuring system.