Advanced industrial micro systems offers on-line registered batch coders for packaging machines. It is anautomatic microprocessor based batch coding controllers developed using stepper motor control for on-line printing of the batch no., date of mfg., mrp rs., etc, at the exact desired location on pouches/cartons, etc, for continuous or intermittent type packaging machines. Multiple models are available for varying applications and budgets. The basic standard coder has a manual speed drive for adjusting the speed of the motor to synchronise it for smudge free printing. Semi automatic type programmable batch coding controllers have the facility for automatic speed calibration and tracking where the system tracks the speed of the main machine and proportionally varies the speed of printing automatically to get totally smudge free printing at varying speeds without operator intervention. Fully automatic controllers have the additional facility for soft touch key setting for all parameters, digital display of linear speed of machine in meters/min and pouches/min, 6-digit battery backed up production counter with combination reset switch. The mechanical arrangement for these systems contains the inking roller, print roller [standard 35 mm, max 70 mm width] driven by a small imported stepper motor and on which standard rubber stereos are mounted. Speeds up to 350 impressions per minute can be easily obtained. These systems can be mounted on existing machines within 15 minutes for minimum production loss.